You are here: American University Learning Communities University College AU Cornerstone Deposit and Reserve Your Spot

Deposit and Reserve Your Spot:

The below step is applicable to students who are admitted to American University and offered the opportunity to participate in AU Cornerstone and University College.


The 2024-2025 reservation form is open. Click here to access the reservation form. Reservations are accepted through Monday, May 6, 2024. Students must deposit to AU to confirm their placement in UC/AUCS. If students do not sign up for the Cornerstone program before Monday, May 6th, but still want to join the program, they need to email our team at and we will consider admitting students to the program on a case-by-case basis. As a reminder, to be in AU Cornerstone, students must also join University College, American University's largest and oldest living-learning community.

The Cornerstone Madrid program has been filled and will not be taking any more applications.

Recent Cornerstone D.C. Webinar

Watch the recording of the AU Cornerstone D.C. Webinar from April 18th